
What is a laboratory glycol chiller What should I pay attention to
The laboratory glycol chiller is a commoncooling equipment in the laboratory. It is generally used to achieve thetemperature requirement of the cold source. What are the benefits?1. Why choose a laboratory glycol chiller:The single-machine self-cascaderefrigeration technology adopted has fast refrigeration speed, low noise andsimple installation. There are many sizes and models of laboratorylow-temperature refrigeration cycle devices. Users can choose models accordingto their own needs,...
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Refrigeration effect of water-cooled chiller at -15℃
The main configurations of water-cooledchillers are: compressors, electrical components, water pumps, evaporators,condensers, high/low pressure controllers, high/low pressure gauges, LCDthermostats, expansion valves, antifreeze switches, hand valves , Fan. Screwchillers and high-precision constant temperature circulating chillers aretrusted by well-known international and domestic vacuum instruments, analyticalinstruments, and other manufacturers.Water circulation system of water-cooled...
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What is the refrigerant of the recirculating chiller
Different industries have differentrequirements for the refrigeration temperature of the recirculation chiller, sothe selected refrigerant is also different. When choosing a recirculationchiller, it is also necessary to have a clear understanding of the refrigerant.Choose the corresponding refrigerantaccording to different equipment models:All users who are engaged in therefrigeration industry must have a clear understanding of refrigerants. Thetypes of refrigerants used in different te...
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Debugging steps of industrial water chiller in chemical industry
After completing the installation ofindustrial water chillers in chemical enterprises, certain debugging needs tobe carried out in the early stage ofoperation. Only through careful debugging can we find out whether there arehidden troubles in the operation of the equipment. If the enterprise can discover the hiddentroubles of the industrial water chiller in the initial stage of installation,the failure rate in the later stage will be very low and the energy consumptionwill be less. ...
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How to deal with the equipment failure alarm of the recirculation chiller
What to do if there is a failure and alarmduring the use of the recirculating chiller equipment? In order to ensureproduction, such problems need to be resolved quickly. We must first understand the causes offailures and alarms, and adopt different solutions for different causes. Commonrecirculation chiller equipment failures and alarms include reverse phasealarm, contactor jam alarm, over-temperature protection alarm, abnormalpressure alarm, overload alarm, etc. No matter what kind o...
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The principle and difficulty of temperature control of heating and refrigeration cycle equipment
Heating and refrigeration cycle equipment is equipment for fluid refrigeration, heating and temperature control for reactors, integrated reactors, reaction tanks, etc. At present, there are more manufacturers on the market. When the reactor or reactor is cooling, heating, and temperature control, the supporting heating and refrigeration cycle equipment controls the temperature to reach the expected temperature control range. This entire process will cause a certain chemical reaction and gener...
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Precautions for non-use of reactor water-cooled chiller shutdown
When the reactor water-cooled chiller hascomplete accessories, in actual use, it is necessary to provide it with regularrest time. In order to maintain stable performance of the chiller duringlong-term operation, users need to master the method of stopping operationaccording to actual use requirements to reduce excessive wear and tear of theequipment. 1. When it is necessary to shut down, firstconsider ensuring that the reactor water-cooled chiller is within the shutdownrange, and th...
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Operating Principle of LNEYA Industrial Air Cooled Chillers
Industrial Air Cooled Chillers is a heatexchanger which USES air to cool the hot fluid. The hot fluid in the tube isheated through the exchange of heat between the tube wall, the fin and theoutside air, which is usually supplied by the ventilator. Our industrial aircooled chillers SUNDI -45℃~250℃ can be applied to cooling and condensation such as condensation ofthe top steam of oil refining and petrochemical industry, reflux oil, coolingof tower bottom oil, the cooling of various reacti...
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How to install -60°C cryogenic chiller manufacturers equipment
-60℃ cryogenic chillermanufacturers are used in the refrigeration and chemical industry, so whatissues should be paid attention to during installation? LNEYA professionalmanufacturers tell you that you should install according to the instructionmanual. For the -60℃cryogenic chillercompressor (unit) that has been tested at the factory and is protected byrust-proof seals and has good pre-installation protection measures, it can bedirectly installed, the protection measures are invalid,...
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What are the precautions for the installation of glycol chiller
In the summer, the use of glycol chillersis relatively frequent. Therefore, when installing glycol chillers, they needto be installed on a smooth and tidy floor. Why choose a smooth ground wheninstalling? Users who have known the glycol chiller should know that if theglycol chiller is tilted during installation, it may cause the refrigerant orcooling water or chilled water to operate abnormally, and the refrigerant mayflow backward or the resistance may increase, which is not conducive ...
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